
Welcome to Naturally Nina. Accredited nutritionist, and total foodie at heart. Here you will find wholesome and delicious recipes, evidence-based nutrition and health education.

Choc Hazelnut Crispy Squares

Choc Hazelnut Crispy Squares

If you follow me on Instagram, then you most likely know that basically not a day of mine goes by without some kind of snacks to power me through. Especially when I'm at Uni for almost 12 hours a day, and often don't get much time to eat, packing some delicious and nutritious snacks is absolutely essential.

These (almost) raw Chocolate Hazelnut slices of goodness are absolutely perfect to take to school, work or Uni. With only 4 simple ingredients (that you most likely already have at home!), they're super easy and quick to make big batches of to keep on hand in the fridge or freezer for all your weekly snacking needs!

Dates are a great source of low GI carbohydrates to fuel your brain and body with long lasting energy, and are also packed with fibre and a whole variety of essential nutrients, such as calcium, iron, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium and zinc. These nutrients have been shown to improve cognitive function, such as attention, concentration and learning! Using dates as a base also make this slice super gooey, chewy and sweet without any refined sugar.

The addition of hazelnuts and cacao make add even goodness, and remind me a little of Nutella. And I won't say no to healthy Nutella! Throw in the crunchy puffs of brown rice, and you have yourself one winning snack.



  • 2 cups pitted dates
  • 2 tbsp cacao powder
  • 1/2 cup hazelnuts
  • 1 cup puffed brown rice


  1. If you're using dried dates, soak them in warm water for 10 minutes to soften
  2. Line a brownie tin with baking paper (this will stop the mixture from sticking!)
  3. In a food processor, blend the dates to form a sticky paste
  4. Add in the cacao powder and hazelnuts and blend again until there are almost no chunks left
  5. Use a spoon to stir in the brown rice puffs, then press the mixture firmly and evenly into your prepared tin
  6. Place in the freezer for an hour to firm, then slice and enjoy!


  • Store in a sealed container in the fridge or freezer
  • You can also use hazelnut meal instead of whole hazelnuts!
Chickpea Nuggets

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